Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Home Treatment for Jellyfish and Man of War Stings

Home Treatment for Jellyfish and Man of War Stings You can apply common household chemistry to treat jellyfish and Portuguese man-of-war stings. However, jellyfish and Portuguese man-of-war are two different animals. Heres a look at how to tell them apart and how the chemistry of treating the stings differs depending on what stung you. Key Takeaways: Jellyfish and Portuguese Man-of-War Stings A jellyfish can sting you even if its dead.Vinegar, ammonia, meat tenderizer, or heat can inactivate the toxin in jellyfish venom. However, if there is a risk a sting is from a Portuguese man-of-war, using a chemical can cause all of the stinging cells to fire at once and worsen the injury.Another method of treating a sting is to lift off the tentacle (like with a credit card or seashell) and rinse the area with water.An antihistamine can help reduce allergic response. Hydrocortisone can relieve inflammation. An over-the-counter pain reliever can help reduce pain. Dont Make the Sting Worse Do you know what to do if you or someone youre with finds a jellyfish or is stung by one? You should know the answer to these questions before you go to the beach since an encounter with a jellyfish can be a painful or possibly lethal experience. As a matter of practical chemistry, your biggest risk from a jellyfish or Portuguese man-of-war sting may come from improper first aid intended to deal with the venom, so pay attention... What Should You Do If You See a Jellyfish? Best Answer: Leave it alone. If its in the water, get away from it. If its on the beach and you need to walk around it, walk above it (dune side) rather than below it (surf side), since it may be trailing tentacles. Keep in mind a jellyfish does not need to be alive in order to sting you. Detached tentacles are capable of stinging and releasing venom for several weeks. Other Answer: It depends what kind of jellyfish it is. I realize if it looks like floating jelly, its considered a jellyfish, but there are different types of jellyfish and also animals that look like jellyfish but are something else entirely. Not all jellyfish can hurt you. Some jellyfish are either nonvenomous or else their stinging cells cant penetrate your skin. What do you do when you see one of these jellyfish? If you are a kid, youll probably pick it up and throw it at another kid (unless its alive, then be kind and let it be). Most parts of the world have nonvenomous jellyfish. They tend to be easy to spot. Its the ones you dont see that present the biggest threat. Many jellyfish are transparent (but glow under a black light). You probably wont see them in the water, so if you are stung, you wont know exactly what got you. If you see a jellyfish and dont know what type it is, treat it like a venomous species and get away from it. How Do I Treat a Jellyfish Sting? Answer: If you know the victim is allergic to insect stings, seek medical attention immediately. People who are allergic to bees and wasps may experience a dangerous allergic reaction to a jellyfish sting. Otherwise, act quickly and calmly to remove the tentacles, stop the stinging, and deactivate any toxin. Here is where people get confused because the best steps to take depend on what type of animal caused the sting. Use these good basic strategies, especially if you dont know what caused the sting: Get out of the water. Its easier to deal with the sting, and it takes drowning out of the equation.Rinse the affected area with seawater. Do not use fresh water. Fresh water will cause any stinging cells that havent fired (called nematocysts) to do so and release their venom, possibly worsening the situation. Do not rub sand on the area (same reason).If you see any tentacles, carefully lift them off the skin and remove them with a stick, shell, credit card, or towel (just not your bare hand). They will stick to swimwear, so use caution touching clothing.Keep an eye on the victim. If you see any signs of an allergic reaction, call 911 immediately. Symptoms could include difficulty breathing, nausea, or dizziness. Some redness and swelling is normal, but if it spreads outward from the sting or if you see hives on other parts of the body, that could indicate an allergic response. If you suspect a reaction, do not hesitate to seek medical attention.Now, if you are sure the sting is from a jellyfish and not a Portuguese man-of-war (not a true jellyfish) or any other animal, you can use chemistry to your advantage to inactivate the toxin, which is a protein. (Technically, the venom tends to be a mixture of polypeptides and proteins including catecholamines, histamine, hyaluronidase, fibrolysins, kinins, phospholipases, and assorted toxins). How do you inactivate proteins? You can change the temperature or acidity by applying heat or an acid or base, such as vinegar or baking soda or diluted ammonia, or even an enzyme, such as the papain found in papaya and meat tenderizer. However, chemicals may cause the stinging cells to fire, which is bad news for someone allergic to jellyfish toxin or anyone stung by a Portuguese man-of-war. If you do not know what caused the sting, or if you suspect it is from a Portuguese man-of-war, do not apply fresh water or any chemical. Your best course of action is to apply heat to the affected area since it penetrates the skin and inacti vates the toxin without causing more venom to be injected. Also, heat quickly helps alleviate the pain of the sting. Hot seawater is great, but if you dont have that handy, use any warmed object. Some people carry aloe vera gel, Benadryl (diphenhydramine) cream, or hydrocortisone cream. Im not sure how effective the aloe is, but Benadryl is an antihistamine, which may help limit an allergic response to the sting. Hydrocortisone can help reduce inflammation. If you seek medical attention and used Benadryl or hydrocortisone, be sure to alert the medical professionals. Acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen are commonly used to relieve pain.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Cheat on the SAT

How to Cheat on the SAT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Disclaimer: we're not going to tell you how to cheat on the SAT. We do not advocate cheating by any means! What we willtell you about, however, are some high-profile cheating scandals that have occurred in the recent past.While these scandals involved flagrant violations of ETS rules and regulations, we'll also reveal some little-known actions that can raise some red flags around your scores and jeopardize your chances of college admission. But first, let's take a look at the scandals. China: New SAT Material Already Leaked Right around the time the SAT was redesigned in 2016, new SAT material was apparently leaked in China bytest-prep centers competing for clients and profits. Through a combination of student interviews, online discussion forums, and leaks of entire chunks of the test, managers and teachers at cram schools obtained real test material from the new SAT. Before getting into how people got these materials, let’s discuss why it’s a problem. The SAT, after all, had already been administered, so why should it matter if they obtain real test questions now? Well, at the time, the new SAT had only been administeredin the US. ETS tends to reuse SATs that were already given to US students when administering the test internationally. They don’t have an unlimited number of new test questions, so they recycle tests from the US to be used abroad at a later date. This practice might be superior to giving the same test on the same test dates since students could take advantage of time zones to discusstest material. However, it opens up a whole host of issues, namely the chance for students to see real test questions before they actually take the SAT. As anyone who’s taken the SAT knows, you’re not supposed to share this confidential material with anyone. Students who went to these test-prep centers in China got a huge leg up from premature knowledge of the test. So how did these competitive prep companies already get their hands on new SAT sections? They accomplished this in a few ways. First, some companies flew teachers over to the US to learn more about the SAT. These teachers waited outside test centers and asked students directly to describe the test they just took. According to Reuters, one prep company called Sanli sent teachers to interview Sanli students studying in the US as they came out of the SAT! A second way people in the prep industry learned about the SAT was in online discussion forums, such asCollege Confidential. Students- and perhaps non-student test takers- shared detailed information about their tests online. Savvy test-prep tutors took this insight and reconstructed test material that, in the end, looked extremely similar to the real SAT. Finally- and the details of this are a little sketchy- SAT tutors appeared to have obtained leaked sections of the SAT. As reported by Reuters, there were documents circulating that contained entire sections of March 2016’s SAT. Soon after the SAT was administered, test-prep companies in China advertised test booklets that contained questions very similar to, if not the same as, those on the real SAT. It’s unclear whether these students' scores were withheld or canceled, as they have been in past years. It'd be a shame for students to suffer the consequences of unethical practices of test-prep companies. For now, unfortunately, it seems that competition in the industry means that this kind of cheating will only continue. As you’ll read below, China, as well as South Korea, has been under scrutiny for this same practice in past years. Students in both countrieswho studied at certain test prep centers saw some of the SAT questions before they took the test. This shadowy figure is clearly on his way to a predetermined meeting spot with a backpack full of top-secret SAT material. China and South Korea:Students Given Answers to Repeat Tests Security is extremely high around the SAT, so when foul play occurs, such as in January 2015’s test administration in China and May 2013’s test administration in South Korea, it becomes pretty big news. Scores from the test were withheld not just for all students who tested in China but also for all Chinese students (with a home address in China) who tested outside the country. And for students in South Korea? All their scores were canceled. Here's what happened in our understanding: the College Board administers new tests only within the United States. Internationally, it used a random previously administered test (for example, any of the 60 tests given in the last 10 years). At various points, most notably May 2013, October 2014, and January 2015,ETS suspected that testing organizations illegally purchased SAT tests and questions that had already been given in the US and distributed them to students. Many students recognized questions on their SAT as ones they’d already seen and answered before. Some even went so far as to obtain an entire answer set via text. When they got to the testing center, they texted their tutors a question on the test. The tutor then quickly texted them back a complete set of answers! As I briefly mentioned above, I suspect the College Board recycles previously used SATs to avoid another method of cheating- if everyone around the world took the exact same SAT test, then the time zones would create another vulnerability. Someone in the US could give someone else in Australia the test questions and answers (or vice versa). As a result, the College Board concentrates the best tests in the US (where most test takers are) and gives international students less reliable tests from the past. Unfortunately, this practice means that some students gain knowledge of their test before they even take it, whereas others get their scores canceled despite approaching the test with honesty. While the two cases mentioned above were the most widespread, there have been several others over the years in East Asia that have led to investigations, score cancellations, and even legal indictments of test-prep company managers and teachers! New York: Students Hired Others to Take Test for Them Perhaps the biggest SAT cheating scandal to hit the UScame out of Long Island, New York, in 20. High school students hired others (mostly college students) to take the SAT for them with fake IDs.They paid students up to $3,600 to take the test in their stead. This is understandably tempting- what if you could get a perfect scorer to take your SAT for you? How much would you pay for that? When the cheating was discovered, these students faced charges of scheming to defraud, criminal impersonation, and falsifying business records. While none ultimately faced jail time, their names are public, so they will be forever linked to this highly conspicuous incident of cheating on the SAT. South Korea: Test Centers Obtained and Distributed Advanced Copy While you read above that ETS canceled SAT scores in South Korea for the May 2013 test, you might also be interested to learn that this wasn't the first time!In 2007, ETS canceled allscores for students who took the SAT in South Korea. All 68 tutoring centers in Seoul were investigated, and 10 educators were even barred from leaving the country until the investigation concluded. ETS suspected that tutoring centers illegally obtained a copy of the SAT and distributed it to students in advance of test day. SAT cheating cases are actually relatively rare- only about 2,000 tests are investigated out of the 3 million administered each year. Most of these investigations are concerned with individual cases of suspected test day cheating,such as a student copying from another's exam. Let's take a look at what else could prompt an investigation or cancellation of your test scores by ETS. New Ways the College Board Is Cracking Down on Cheating In February 2017, the College Board announced that they will begin takingnew measures to help combat cheating both in the US and abroad. Some of the new measures announced include the following: Giving the names of people and test-prep companies suspected of cheating to law enforcement and federal agencies in the US and abroad. Reducing the number of times the SAT is given overseas each year. (The SAT will now be offered four times a year overseas in October, December, March, and May.) Reducing the number of questions reused on different tests. Prohibiting people from taking the SAT, SAT Subject Tests, or AP Exams if the College Board has concluded they were guilty of prior cheating. Making it easier for proctors and test takers to anonymously report suspected cheating. These new actions likely won't eliminate cheating, but they should help make it even harder to cheat on the SAT and get away with it. In particular, reducing the number of SAT questions used on multiple exams should significantly reduce the number of test takers who go into the exam already knowing some of the questions and use that knowledge to inflate their scores. What Can Get Your SAT Scores Withheld or Canceled? Not all cheating on the SAT involves high tech, international, back-door deals- the traditional signs of cheating are more common and could result in cancellation of your scores. Looking at anyone else's paper, talking during the test, flipping ahead through the test booklet, or continuing to work or fill in ovals on the bubble sheet after time has been called is strictly prohibited. Test proctors are on the lookout for this type of behavior and could report it if they feel something is off. Make sure you're aware of all the rules of the SAT, especially if you have a hard time absorbing instructions on test day or if English isn't your first language. Familiarizing yourself with the instructions well in advance will allow you to focus all your energy on taking the test itself. Another thing that could prompt an investigation into your scores is huge fluctuations between test administrations.If you jump ahead a huge number of points, or score highly in one section and much lower in a similar section, it's possible that the College Board will withhold your scores. In this case, they'll give you a chance to defend your scores- perhaps you took an intensive SAT prep course after your first test and can provide a testimonial from your teacher- but this process could get long and frustrating and isn't guaranteed to have a happy ending. This situation is quite rare, but here's what you can do to prevent it: Make sure you understand the instructions before test day Try your best on every test administrationrather than treating one as a throwaway or practice run To reiterate, be careful not to do any of the following: Look at anyone else's test Talk to your neighbor once the test has started Flip ahead through your test booklet Keep working after time has been called If ETS suspects cheating on the SAT, what exactly happens next? Consequences of Cheating on the SAT While students in the Long Island scandal faced serious charges, the most common consequence of cheating on the SAT is having your scores canceled.If they've already been sent to colleges as part of your application, then the College Board will notify these schools that your SAT scores are no longer valid. Usually, the College Board won't specify the reason for the cancellation, although they do have the authority to tell third parties what happened. More often, their reason will be quite general. But since score cancellation is rare, this could raise a huge red flag to colleges.Although you'll be allowed to retake the SAT, you might not have time to retake it and get your scores sent in time for your college deadlines. The SAT is a rite of passage that many students, both American and international, share on their path to high school graduation and college. Approaching the SAT with honesty and integrity is the best memory you can have of this near-universal academic landmark. What to Learn From These SAT Cheating Scandals Don't cheat on the SAT- prep instead! Nothing will improve your SAT scores like practicing with high-quality materials and becoming comfortable with the content and format of the test. Check out our free eBook for five vital strategies you need to know that will get you at least a 240-point increase. Since the College Board and your test proctors take fairness and security extremely seriously, be sure you're following all instructions and regulations,including what to the bring to the SAT and what to leave at home. Finally, try to keep perspective throughout the test-prep and college application process, which can cause both a lot of excitement and a lot of stress. Ultimately, if you move through the process with awareness and integrity, you're likely to end up in the college that's the best possible fit for you. What's Next? Feeling stressed about the SAT? Here are what we believe to bethe three major sources of SAT anxiety, and what coping skills you can use in your daily life to manage them. Is test day almost upon you? Here's what you should do the night before to prepare to take the SAT. Are you a high performer who's gunning for a perfect score? Read our guide to learn how you, too, can score a 1600 on the SAT! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by SAT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Rebecca Safier About the Author Rebecca graduated with her Master's in Adolescent Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. She graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Water Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Water Pollution - Essay Example Oxygen levels required to decompose this waste is called biological oxygen demand .a large amount of biological oxygen demand is required to decompose industrial wastes and because of their profit maximization motive the opt dispose in water to reduce cost of treatment. The wastes when directed to water bodies always have catastrophic effects on marine and human life. The second type of pollutant is excessive nutrition. This is common in agricultural where agricultural runoffs and non biodegradable detergents contaminate water. This facilitates growth of phytoplankton. The autophication process results in large dissolved oxygen from photosynthesis during the day and over utilization of oxygen for respiratory purposes during the night. This causes deficiency of oxygen in water leading to massive death of aquatic animals. Suspended solids are also another type of pollution in this 21st century. This is prevalent where land has been disturbed by plowing or excavation. Ground up wood fibers can also be classified in this category of suspended solid pollution. There are over 65000 industrial chemicals in use in the modern world .3-5 new chemical s enter the market every day .the major classes of chemicals which are harmful and find their way through to water sources are ammonia, petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, and detergents.(Heath A.G,1995) Another type of water pollution is microbiological pollution. This is natural form of pollution caused by microorganisms. They include e bacteria, viruses and protozoa. They are the major cause of illness in human being and animals. (Canter w. L and knot 1985) Human activities have negative impact and contribute greatly in water pollution. Industrial waste form the largest percentage of water pollution .nuclear waste produced from industrial, medical and scientific process that use radioactive materials can be very harmful when they find they way to water

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Applied buyer behaviour in a global context Assignment

Applied buyer behaviour in a global context - Assignment Example The two adverts have exposure of consumer buying process, segmentation, perception map, motivation and finally marketing mix (Sandhusen & Richard, 2013, p78). The advert by John Lewis that had been designed by Adam & Eve/DDB has which is the agency that creates a huge chunk of the John Lewis adverts has so many notable sections in it. The included song was from an upcoming pop star who is a breathy young man. Other adverts in the past have been entailing breathy young woman. The artist creates maximum emotion from every section of the song making highly applicable for entire. While the song by John Lennon is not popular by many people, the artist (Tom Odell) creates emotional sphere from it. It creates a scenario whereby the story is typically narrated through the use of pictures in a manner indicating little girls and boys playing with different toys. The story outline creates a perception of people waiting for love. There is a creation of snow that was filmed in July. There is also the creation of a Christmas tree and entailing of a middle-class family in some parts of the north east London and heavy filming from Victoria hackney. The adverts create a sensational and ambitious model similar to the 2013 adverts that featured a bear and hare animated epic. Instead of the use of the epic model, the John Lewis chooses to apply the formula of a cute boy highly longing for the Christmas time to get a penguin gift in the 25th December. It reveals of how the by spends his time paling with the friend who is a penguin. At first, the penguin friend appears real but later it emerges that it was untrue, and perhaps CGI was entailed in the filming process. The film shows the Sam, who is the boy going to the field and playing Lego with his friend penguin (Monty). The two bounce to trampoline in unison and Sam notes the Monty is lonely as it sees couples touching hands. In Christmas time, Sam looks Monty one g ood thing, a mate that it had strongly missed all the time. Beside

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Monsters Are Real Donnie Darko Essay Example for Free

Monsters Are Real Donnie Darko Essay DarkoIn storytelling, monsters are used to express the fears and worries of humans. They allow us to discover our values by questioning our morals through imagination and illusion. In both Donnie Darko and Pan’s Labyrinth illustrating real-life monsters Captain Videl and Jim Cunningham enhances our fear of monsters. These villains symbolize the vulnerability we feel as we identify ourselves with the victims of the attack. We can relate each example of monsters to an evolution of our fears throughout our lives. The fear we have of monsters stems from the idea that our moral imaginations shape the danger inside these beastly beings. As children, our vulnerability came from our fears of losing security. The monsters hiding under our beds taunted us with the threat that we’d be eaten and would never see our parents or that our most valued possession would be taken from us. This juvenile fear is illustrated in Pan’s Labyrinth through Captain Videl. He encompasses the threats we felt as children by being controlling and dominating, as he manipulates Pan and she loses her innocence. As we mature and the limits of our moral boundaries widen, the term â€Å"monster† evolves into something more complex. As we enter into adolescence, and later into adulthood, our fears become something less to do with security and more to do with a threat to our happiness. Our moral imagination evokes fears of defeat and failure, a fear that we formulate in ourselves. As we grow older, we also fear the world and others that we cannot control. In Donnie Darko, Jim Cunningham, embodies our fears of a predator. He is the real-life monster we fear everyday with his complex, dark and twisted secrets. Ultimately, both Donnie Darko and Pan’s Labyrinth effectively embody our illusions of fear from childhood to adulthood.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Organizational Behavior Trends Essay -- Human Resources

Organizational Behavior Trends Outline: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Definition of OB and related terminologies. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Role of decision making in OB environments. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Conflicts involved in decision making processes in organizations. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rifts between managerial level staff and operations level workforce. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stakeholders in decision making in a corporate hierarchy. 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Self-inflicted ethical dilemmas and differences, causes for it. 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Values and goals affecting causing ethical dilemmas in OB 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Globalization and its strategic alliances. 9.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Impact of technological advancements in organizational environments. 10.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Techno stress and other stress factors in organizational environments. 11.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Survey results of organizational stress and prevalence. 12.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pros and cons of stress factors. 13.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Resources Abstract:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This paper will provide a basic description and evaluation of the trends in Organizational Behavior (OB). It then goes on to expound on the influence of ethical behavior on decision making in an organization and its prevalence in modern day corporate environment. It also explores the ethical area of Organizational Behavior and how it can cause friction in the organization stemming from personal and career oriented causes. The final parts of this thesis speak about work stress and technological aspects of OB. Firstly one must know what OB is. It’s an interdisciplinary field of study and practice, investigating the impact of individuals, groups, structure and environment on behavior within organizations. The primary concern of OB is with people, what they do and how their behavior affects individual, group and organizational performance. Life is full of decisions. Each day, people are faced with different problems requiring answers and solutions. Decision making is the process of defining problems and choosing a course of action from among alternatives. Decision making at best is a challenge for employees in general and managers in particular. For example, many decisions management faces turn out to be ethical decisions or have ethical implications or consequences. Once we leave the realm of relatively ethical-free decisions (such as which production method to use for a particular product), decisions quickly become complex, and many carry with them an ethical dimension. Decision making in itself is not a simple p... ...t" or "a great deal." This survey also revealed that most workers make a direct connection between workplace stress and accidents or illnesses. The majority of those surveyed agreed that stress is a leading cause of accidents and mistakes in the workplace (78%), and that people who experience a great deal of stress have higher absenteeism (76%). Workers also believe that high levels of stress cause or exacerbate illnesses. The majority of people surveyed (74%), also agrees that three-fourths of all illnesses seen in medical practices are caused or made worse by stress. Despite the negative effects of stress, which range from on-the-job accidents to adverse impact on personal lives, nearly two thirds (63%) of all workers feel there is nothing that can be done about stress which it's something people have to get used to. Bibliography 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ronald R. Sims - Ethics and Organizational Decision Making: A Call for Renewal. Quorum Books - Westport, CT, 1994. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ronald R. Sims - Managing Organizational Behavior. Quorum Books: Westport, CT, 2002. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  http://www.doit.wisc.edu/news/story.asp?filename=38&print=1 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  http://www.kensington.com/html/1393.html

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Caucasus, Madagascar and Caribbean Islands: Biodiversity Hotspots

Biodiversity Hotspots The Caucasus: The Caucasus hotspot, historically interpreted as the area of land between the Black and Caspian seas, covers a total area of 580,000 km. Located at a biological crossroads, species from Central and Northern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa mingles here with endemics found nowhere else. One of the most biologically rich regions on Earth, the Caucasus is among the planet’s 25 most diverse and endangered hotspots. The Caucasus is one of WWF’s Global 200 ‘ecoregions’ identified as globally outstanding for biodiversity.The Caucasus has also been named a large herbivore hotspot by WWF’s Large Herbivore Initiative. Eleven species of large herbivores, as well as five large carnivores, are found over a relatively small area to be endemic. The 2002 IUCN Red List identifies 50 species of globally threatened animals and one plant in the Caucasus. Among the IUCN species, 18 have restricted ranges or are e ndemics. The Caucasus Mountains harbor a wealth of highly sought after medical and decorative plants, as well as a vast endemism of plant communities. [pic]Spanning the borders of six countries, the Caucasus hotspot is a globally significant center of cultural diversity, where a multitude of ethnic groups, languages and religions intermingle over a relatively small area. Close cooperation across borders will be required for conservation of unique and threatened ecosystems, while helping to foster peace and understanding in an ethnically diverse region with a history of contrasting political and religious views. The Caucasus is a hotspot of plant and animal species diversity and endemism important for the conservation of biodiversity on a global scale.High levels of landscape diversity in the Caucasus are largely the result of altitude variability in the region. The unique geology and terrain, consisting of three major mountain chains separated by valleys and plains, permit a variety of different microclimate, soil and vegetative conditions. Climatic conditions are very diverse, with precipitation ranging from more than 4,000 mm per year in the southwestern Caucasus to less than 200 mm a year in deserts in the eastern Caucasus. These wide ranges of climatic conditions are a key factor that makes this area such a biologically important area.The Caribbean islands: [pic] The Caribbean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot is exceptionally important for global biodiversity conservation, due to high levels of species endemism and threat. The Caribbean is home to approximately 11,000 plants species, of which 72% are endemic to the region. The vertebrates are also characterized by extremely high levels of endemism: 100% of 189 amphibian species, 95% of 520 reptile species, 74% of 69 mammal species and 26% of 564 species birds are unique to the Caribbean Islands.In terms of endemism at the genus (biological classification of living organisms) ranking level, it ranks third among the world’s 34 Biodiversity Hotspots with 205 plants and 65 vertebrate genera endemic to the islands. Species restricted to the Caribbean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot represent 2. 6% of the world’s 300,000 plants species and 3. 5% of the world’s 27,298 vertebrate species). The high level of biological diversity in the Caribbean is due to several factors. During the early Cretaceous (120 to 140 million years b. ), a chain of volcanic islands (called Proto-Antilles) began to emerge along the eastern edge of the Caribbean Plate in the Pacific Ocean. The plate drifted eastward serving as a stepping-stone route exchange of terrestrial organisms between two previously separated regions. By the Eocene era (58 million years a. c), the core of the Greater Antilles achieved their present positions. The Lesser Antilles are the active remnants of an ancient volcanic chain, and are younger than the Greater Antilles.Several islands have particularly rugged and mountainous la ndscapes separated by large stretches of sea, which resulted in the isolation of populations. The Caribbean has suffered from high levels of habitat loss since the arrival of Europeans in the 1490s. This destruction has reduced the hotspot’s original estimated 229,549km2 of natural vegetation to just 22,955km2(or just 10%). The loss of native habitat combined with other threat factors, such as introduced (alien invasive) species, has resulted in severe and widespread degradation of the Caribbean’s unique biodiversity.Currently, 755 plants and vertebrate species are at risk of extinction, making the region one of the biodiversity hotspots holding the most globally threatened species. Madagascar: [pic] Madagascar is an island off the coast of Africa which is known to have some of the world's most interesting animals. It has a land area of 600,461 km?. About 80 percent of the species found in Madagascar live nowhere else on the planet. Madagascar is the forth largest isla nd in the world and broke away from the mainland about 160 million years ago. Therefore, the hotspot is a living example of species evolution in isolation.Despite close proximity to Africa, the islands do not share any of the typical animal groups of nearby Africa, making Madagascar home to a vast variety of endemic species. The island contains 5% of animal and plant species on Earth, with 80% endemic to the island. Madagascar is thought to have 11,600 endemic species of plant, 57 threatened endemic birds and 51 threatened endemic mammals. 18,482km of the island is protected land. Western areas of the island consist of dry savannah with deserts found in central regions. The eastern side of Madagascar facing the Indian Ocean is tropical rainforest with a high level of rainfall.The island is also host to several high mountain ecosystems. These biomes each support contrasting species, portraying the contrasting ecoregions in Madagascar. Madagascar and the surrounding islands have a tot al of eight plant families, four bird families, and five primate families that live nowhere else on Earth. Madagascar has more than 50 lemur species which are commonly associated with the island and are the focal point for conservation. The carnivorous fossa is another example of an endemic species as well as six Baobab species (huge trees with wide stumps).There are so many species endemic to Madagascar that some ecologists have called it â€Å"the eighth continent†. Many of these species, such as the fossa, are now considered to be an endangered species, with only about 2,500 mature fossa individuals in existence. Tenrecs, a family of small omnivorous mammals, primarily find their home on Madagascar, with 30 species found only there, and just 3 on the African mainland. There are numerous other species endemic to Madagascar, including 14 unique rodents, 15 species of bat, various chameleons and geckos, over a hundred birds, and hundreds of beetles and other insects.Conservat ion efforts must proceed aggressively to preserve this unique Madagascar fauna. Specific locations in Madagascar which are renowned for high biodiversity are situated on the eastern coast which is mainly tropical rainforest. These areas have year-round warmth and receive a lot of rainfall. Interestingly, the soils in the rainforest are poor because most of the biomes nutrients are locked up in the vegetation. In terms of flagship species in Madagascar, Baobabs are considered to be flagship trees for landscape conservation in western Madagascar, unique and individual features to the island landscape.Madagascar has seven of the world's eight Baobab tree species, six of them endemic to the island. Another endemic flagship plant to the island is the traveler's tree or palm, pollinated by the island's flagship vertebrate species, the lemurs. The tomato frog is a flagship amphibian of Madagascar, found only in a small corner of northeastern Madagascar. Threats to biodiversity Of the 10,00 0 plants native to Madagascar, 90% are found nowhere else in the world. Madagascar's varied fauna and flora are endangered by human activity, as a third of its native vegetation has disappeared since the 1970s, and only 18% remains intact.However, there are several national parks which have been established to help protect many of the endemic species. Extensive deforestation has taken place in parts of the country, reducing certain forest habitat and applying pressure to some endangered species. Madagascar has a population growth rate of approximately 3%, therefore, with a growing population, more of the islands endemic species become at risk due to the increase in human activity and development.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Can Divorce be Beneficial for Children

University I stared Into his uncontrolled, demonic eyes Just Inches from mine as I watched his body tremble and quake with wrath. It was an unbridled anger I had encountered many times before. I listened as the sharp words escaped his mouth, piercing me like daggers. Not knowing if any hasty movement would have dire repercussions, I stood frozen, heart racing, undecided of my next move. Helplessness filled my soul.I'd felt stuck for nearly 15 years now, married to this ticking time-bomb of a man, walking on eggshells dally, never knowing what was going to send him Into fit of rage. Why did I continue to stay? For the children. I had always been told that divorce was bad for children. I was afraid I would make a decision that would negatively affect them for the rest of their lives. But, in this moment I realized the abusive situation we all were living in was far worse than the possible negative effects of divorce. We had to find a way out.This scenario, drawn from my own personal ex perience, Is not as uncommon as one might think. People continue on In toxic or abusive marriages with the misconception that staying married will be best or their children. From my perspective as a single mother of 3 children who was in an emotionally abusive marriage, I have personally witnessed the positive effects that divorce can have on children. Especially, when there are cases of abuse both physical and emotional, or extreme contention within the home, divorce can have a positive effect on the children Involved.While I am only a witness to my own personal experience there has been significant research done on the topic of divorce and the effects, both positive and negative, It has on children. I will draw on the expertise of Jolliet (201 1), Clark (201 3), Amatol (2010), Coleman, Glenn (2010) as well as others, and their extensive research about the effects of divorce on children. Divorce has had a bad stigma throughout the ages because of the effects it was thought to have on children. It's often been heard, â€Å"We stayed together for the children. As divorce rates have increased, and no fault divorces have been Implemented, the perceived damage of divorce on children has started to recede. Particularly, under certain circumstances where there is much discord or abuse, divorce has proven to e beneficial for children. A divorce can end the modeling of a bad relationship, create happier parents, and a healthier environment for everyone, including the children. Historically, divorce has been viewed as a negative marital option and in fact, up until the sass's divorce was fault based.In other words, legally to get a divorce one spouse had to prove the other spouse executed a marital offense. This looked at as outcasts from a â€Å"broken-home,† Olive, 2011). Research ensued to back up these negative conceptions of divorce on children. The problem was, much of the search failed to take into consideration the effects of the pre-divorce environment . Figure 1: Shows the long-term divorce rates from 1940 – 2012. It shows the dramatic increase in divorce rates when the no-fault divorce was written into law. Source: Divorce recession drop rebound, with the 2012 rate (2014).Over time, as shown in the chart above, the no fault divorce was legislated into law, and helped to eradicate this stigma Olive, 2011). Divorce rates did rise dramatically until the early ass's, and have since populated, or even declined slightly. With this increase, people began to be ore accepting of divorce. Recent studies are revealing that divorce can have a positive effect on children. Much of the result has to do with how the parents handle the divorce with their children,; therefore, the positive effects are not Just limited to cases of abuse. As a result (of dispelling the negative divorce connotations), instead of divorce being taboo and frowned upon, people now view divorce as a second chance to be happy. Instead of being considered lost caus es, children of divorce can now be seen as resilient and able to cope,† said Jolliet, a partner at Randall & Sonnies, and family divorce attorney. With the â€Å"stay together for the sake of the children† mantra so ingrained into the ideals of society, the effects of these misconceptions of divorce still deter many from getting a divorce.So much historical research was done showing how children suffered from divorce either academically, or emotionally, and society for years has accepted this thought process. Unfortunately, this causes people to stay in abusive marriages, or marriages with extreme discord, far longer than they should, not realizing that they may actually be hurting their children far more than helping them. Brenda Clark, a child psychologist ND member of the Canadian Pediatric Society said, â€Å"If there is a high level of conflict, children appear to be better off if the marriage ends and separation occurs. Research now shows that children who were e xposed to marital conflict prior to the divorce, even in utter, were more likely to develop problems, emotionally and behaviorally (Coleman, & Glenn, 2010). There are abundant holes in past research that pointed at divorce as negatively effecting affecting children's well-being, and pre- divorce environments were not taken into consideration when making these assessments. Jolliet (2011) quotes sociologist Dry.Lisa Stretching as saying, â€Å"Perhaps we should pay more attention to what happens to kids in the period leading up to parental divorce rather than directing all our efforts to helping children after the event occurs. † Children in highly dysfunctional families actually show a drop in the level of anti-social behavior they exhibit after a parental divorce Olive, 2011). Many children, especially in cases of abuse and domestic violence, report feeling a sense of relief after the divorce (Clark, 2013). There are many positives that can come from a divorce for children.Di vorce can end the modeling of a bad relationship. When children are constantly surrounded by unhappy parents who are always quarrelling they begin to believe this type of behavior is what a relationship is be argumentative as well in their personal relationships with others, both in and outside of the home. I saw this happen with my own children. Their father was an argumentative person, not Just with me, but also with them. The rockier and more argumentative my relationship got with him, the more they fought with one another, and others around them.My relationship with their father deteriorated to the point that the bickering between my children became almost incessant. They could not be around each other without fighting. When we were finally able to separate ourselves from their father, the level of fighting dropped significantly, almost immediately. So much so in fact, that other extended family members around us remarked about how different their behavior became after getting o ut of that toxic situation. My children have each individually told me how much more relaxed they feel, and how happy they are to be out of that situation.When parents are able to end a bad relationship, and turn their interaction into more positive ones, they are able to monster what a healthy relationship looks like to their children Jacob, 2014). Another interesting concept to explore is parents who are able to get out of a bad relationship and find happiness, often have better interactions with one another, and this attitude spills over to the children Jacob, 2014). Attorney Steven R. Jacob states, â€Å"Although splitting up with your spouse is a traumatic experience, it's important to focus on the best interest of the children involved.Their happiness can best be attained by both parents seeking their own individual happiness. This holds true whether that they be together or apart. I have seen first-hand how my own post- divorce happiness has had a great impact on my children . They have all said to me how much happier they are now. For example, the first Christmas after we left, my then 13 year old son, came up to me and told me it was the best vacation break he had ever had. We didn't go anywhere, or do anything extravagant, but he told me how nice it was to feel calm and happy without his father around.Divorce can be what is best to create a positive environment in which to raise children. Divorce can ease the tension in a home, and relieve the household of unnecessary stresses that effect children Jacob, 2014). My children tell me all the time how nice it is to feel relaxed now. Alleviating the stress of not knowing what their father might do to them has allowed them to relax and come into their own. Having the ability to be relaxed has not only affected their behavior at home, it has positively affected their schoolwork, and all three are flourishing.Not all marriages that end in divorce are a result of abuse, or high levels of discord. In fact, res earch shows that there's a sizable amount number that can be categorized as â€Å"good enough marriages† without much marital discord at all (Kim 2011). How parents handle divorce with regard to their children is especially important in these cases. If a child has been exposed to little, if any, marital conflict, parental separation can come as a shock, and when this occurs children appear to be worse off than before the separation (Clark 2013).Oftentimes, children do experience a disruption to their well-being and have feelings of immediate distress during a parental divorce, but most reports show that after the dust settles from the divorce the majority of children settle into a normal development (Coleman & Glenn, 2010). Parents can avoid the negative effects of ivories on their children by learning how to co-parent in a positive way. â€Å"Research with effective discipline and limit-setting, is a powerful protective and resilience- promoting factor for children experien cing parental separation or divorce. (Clark, 2013, 2013). When parents put their differences aside and focus on the child's well- being, they are increasing the likelihood of positive outcomes on their children's well- being. Parents can also minimize or eliminate the effects of divorce by working on their interpersonal communication skills with one another, strengthening parent- hill relationships, mainlining minimizing limiting the the routine changes in routine for the children, and creating an open environment in which children can discuss their feelings Olive 2011).Going through a divorce is a difficult and emotional battle, and no divorce can really be categorized as a good divorce. â€Å"Today research has shown that one of the most important things divorcing parents can do is to educate themselves and understand how their actions along with the animosity they exhibit toward each other impacts their children in negative and destructive ways† Olive 2011).If parents show hostility toward their ex-spouse, talk poorly about them in front of the children, argue and continue to have extreme conflict during and after the divorce process, they are going to have a negative impact on their children's emotional well-being. Research has shown that ongoing inter- parental conflict is one of the most damaging aspects of divorce (Clark 2013). If parents can get along and work together the impact on their children can be positive. It's important for parents to put aside their negative feelings toward one another, and put the needs of their children's first.One effective way to do this is to develop a business-like approach to interacting with one another. Respecting one another, setting clear boundaries, and laying out ground rules for their interactions with regards to the children will all help parents to positively impact their children's well- being (Clark, 2013). Another way to create a positive impact on a child's well-being in association with divorce is to increase and nurture the parent-child relationship. Director of the Center for Family in Transition at Cortex Madder, California, Dry.Judith Wallflowers, said â€Å"what makes a difference to a child of divorce is a much more butte, much more elusive issue of how that child perceives whether he is accepted or reject by his parents† Olive, 2011). When a child is able to feel that their relationship with their parents stays intact, despite the divorce, they continue to feel loved, respected, and maintain a positive self-image. When parents share custody of their children, they each have individual time with them, giving them the opportunity to engage in more effective parenting during their time with the child.Parents who choose to utilize this time to strengthen their relationship with their children, and vive them undivided attention will allow their children to experience the full parenting of both parents Jacob 2014). Research has shown that good, effective parenting can quite possibly be the most important factor in determining a child's well-being after divorce (Coleman 2010). â€Å"In one long-term study, a good relationship with the custodial parent predicted fewer child behavior problems, better communication skills, better grades and higher ratings of adjustment (Clark 2013).The parent-child relationship seems to affect a child so much that psychologists now UT more importance on the family relationship rather than the family structure in terms of the impact it has on a child's well-being Olive 2011). â€Å"Parent-child skills, positive communication, and low levels of conflict and negativity are consistently associated with fewer negative outcomes related to mental health and with more positive outcomes related to social adaptation following a separation or divorce† (Clark 2013). When the routine off child is constantly disrupted, they have a difficult time feeling settled and grounded.When divorce transpires, inevitably disruption o ccurs in a child's day-to-day life. Divorce is often surrounded by stress, confusion, conflict, and disorientation (Clark 2013). If parents can work together to minimize these stresses, and their impact on their children, the children will be able to navigate through the divorce much easier. For a period of time, it was thought that equal Joint-custody (spending equal days in the month with each parent) was what was best for children, but research now shows that this causes too much disruption for the children, and negatively affected affects their emotional well-being.In fact, one Norwegian study showed that the closer in proximity a non-resident father lived o his children, the worse off they were in terms of educational attainment. It was theorized that this was due to the child having to split time between the two households, causing too much disruption to the needed stability in the child's life. The study showed that if a father relocated, it sheltered the child not only from parental post-divorce conflict, but also created a more stable home environment (Kali 2011).Now, this does not mean that all fathers should stay away from their children in an effort to keep the disruption to their lives at bay. Simply, it means that ireful consideration should be made, and reflection on the children's needs when determining the best way to create a stable environment for the children. Children adjust best to their post-divorce environments if there is as little disruption as possible to their schedules, activities, and social lives. The final parental consideration for positively affecting children of divorce is to create an open line of communication between parents and children.When a child feels comfortable talking about their frustrations, fears, or emotions about the divorce, they are able to maintain a normal sense of well-being Olive, 2011). While parents are in the divorce stage, children are more likely to feel loneliness, anxiety, sadness, and as a result lower self-esteem (Kim, 2011). If these children feel that it is safe for them to speak with their parents about these feelings, they can work together to get through them, and minimize their effects.It is imperative that parents communicate well and frequently with their children, and openly discuss their love and devotion to the child. It is important that children learn to understand it is normal to have a myriad of feelings about their own experience with the divorce. Learning to cope with these feelings can be a challenge for both the parent and the child (Clark 2013). There are many group support programs that have shown to be effective in helping both parents and children through the emotions of divorce. Group support helps reduce children's sense of isolation, clarifies misconceptions, and teaches how to problem- solve and communicate more effectively with parents† (Clark, 2013). Divorce should not be taken lightly, and while it can have negative effects on children, it certainly doesn't have to be that way. There are some cases, especially when abuse or mommies violence are is involved, when divorce is the best solution to an undesirable situation. It can redirect a child from a negative to a positive path of mental well- the parents are divorced.Getting children out of these situations actually drastically increases their ability to attain positive mental and physical well-being. In non- abusive, but highly dysfunctional marriages, parents have the ability to change their negative behavior towards each other during, and after the divorce, alleviating the stress of divorce on the children. When parents can create a better emotional environment for children after divorce, much of the negative effects of divorce dissipate, and the children can recover and go on to be normal, healthy adults.If you would like to learn mortem find out more about the effects of divorce on children, or if you have questions about my own personal experiences being in a n emotionally abusive marriage, and being able to get out, email me at [email  protected] Com. No abusive relationship is worth staying in for the sake of the children. If you find yourself in this situation, have the courage to get out. You will be better off for it, and our children will thank you for being strong enough to get them out of a terrible environment. As shown that the quality of parenting, as defined by warmth and nurture along 2013) When parents put their differences aside and focus on the child's well-being they are increasing the likelihood of positive outcomes on their children's well-being. â€Å"The quality of parent-child relationships is an important protective factor that predicts the long-term impact of separation and divorce on children. † (Clark, 2014) Also, if parents focus on their relationship with the child, putting the well-being of the child first, the child will feel accepted.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

First-Year Residency Requirements for College

First-Year Residency Requirements for College At many colleges and universities, you will need to live in the residence halls for your first year or two of college. A few schools require campus residency for all four years. Even if your school allows students to live off campus, consider the pros and cons of living on campus before making a final decision. Why Youre Required to Live on Campus Your First Year of College Students are most likely to stay at a college when they feel like they belong. This sense of belonging has a direct impact on a colleges retention rate and graduation rate. When new students live off campus, they are less likely to get involved in campus clubs and activities and will have a harder time making friends among fellow students.When a student lives on campus, the college has an easier time helping out should that student encounter trouble on the academic or social front. Resident Advisors (RAs) and Resident Directors (RDs) are trained to intervene and assist when students are struggling, and they can help direct students to the appropriate people and resources on campus.A college education is about much more than taking classes and earning a degree. Residential life teaches many important life skills: resolving conflicts with a roommate, suitemates, and/or students on your hall; learning to live with people who may be quite different from you; building a living and learnin g community; and so on. At most schools, campus residence halls are much closer to important facilities (library, gym, health center, etc.) than off-campus apartments.Colleges have little ability to monitor illegal behavior off campus, but within the residence halls, activities such as underage drinking and illegal drug use can be detected and responded to much more readily.  When you are a new student, it can be a huge benefit to be living in the same building with upper-class students and/or RAs who know the campus and academic expectations well. Youre also more likely to find mentors in a campus residence hall than in an off-campus apartment.Along with having upper-class mentors, youll also have a peer group that will include students taking some of the same classes as you. Living on campus gives you ready access to study groups, and peers can often help if you are forced to miss a class or if you find material from a lecture confusing. Along with the obvious benefits of living on campus, colleges have a few reasons for keeping students on campus that may be a bit less altruistic. Specifically, colleges dont make all of their money from tuition dollars. For the great majority of schools, significant revenues also flow from room and board charges. If dorm rooms sit empty and not enough students are signed up for meal plans, the college will have a harder time balancing its budget. If more states move forward with free tuition plans for in-state students at public universities (such as New Yorks Excelsior Program), all college revenue will come from room, board, and associated fees. Exceptions to College Residency Requirements Keep in mind that very few colleges have residential policies that are set in stone, and exceptions are often made. If your family lives very close to the college, you can often get permission to live at home. Doing so obviously has significant cost benefits, but dont lose sight of the valuable experiences you might miss out on by choosing to commute. By living at home, you wont be getting the full college experience, including learning how to be independent.Some colleges with two- or three-year residency requirements allow strong students to petition to live off campus sooner. If youve proven your academic and personal maturity, you may be able to move off campus earlier than many of your classmates.At some schools, it may also be possible to petition to live off campus for reasons related to specific health and wellness needs. For example, you might be able to petition to live off campus if the college cant meet your atypical dietary requirements or if you need access to regular healthcare that simply isnt feasible in a college residence hall.   A Final Word About Residency Requirements Every college has residency requirements that were developed for the unique situation of the school. Youll find that some urban schools as well as some universities that have been experiencing rapid expansion, simply dont have enough dormitory space to handle all of their students. Such schools often cannot guarantee housing and may be happy for you to live off campus. At any school, its important to weigh the pros and cons of living off campus before making a decision. Time spent cooking meals and commuting to campus is time that wont be spent on your studies, and not all students do well with too much independence.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Name Ionic Compounds

How to Name Ionic Compounds Ionic compounds consist of cations (positive ions) and anions (negative ions). Ionic compound nomenclature or naming  is based on the names of the component ions. In all cases, ionic compound naming gives the positively charged cation first, followed by the negatively charged anion. Here are the principal naming conventions for ionic compounds, along with examples to show how they are used: Roman Numerals in Ionic Compound Names A Roman numeral in parentheses, followed by the name of the element, is used for elements that can form more than one positive ion. There is no space between the element name and the parenthesis. This notation is usually seen with metals since they commonly display more than one oxidation state or valence. You can use a chart to see the possible valences for the elements. Fe2 Iron(II)Fe3 Iron(III)Cu Copper(I)Cu2 Copper(II) Example: Fe2O3 is iron(III) oxide. Naming Ionic Compounds Using  -ous and -ic Although Roman numerals are used to denote the ionic charge of cations, it is still common to see and use the endings -ous or -ic. These endings are added to the Latin name of the element (e.g., stannous/stannic for tin) to represent the ions with lesser or greater charge, respectively. The Roman numeral naming convention has wider appeal because many ions have more than two valences. Fe2 FerrousFe3 FerricCu CuprousCu2 Cupric Example: FeCl3 is ferric chloride or iron(III) chloride. Naming Ionic Compounds Using  -ide The -ide ending is added to the name of a monoatomic ion of an element. H- HydrideF- FluorideO2- OxideS2- SulfideN3- NitrideP3- Phosphide Example: Cu3P is copper phosphide or copper(I) phosphide. Naming Ionic Compounds Using  -ite and -ate Some polyatomic anions contain oxygen. These anions are called oxyanions. When an element forms two oxyanions, the one with less oxygen is given a name ending in -ite and the one with more oxygen are given a name that ends in -ate. NO2- NitriteNO3- NitrateSO32- SulfiteSO42- Sulfate Example: KNO2 is potassium nitrite, while KNO3 is potassium nitrate. Naming Ionic Compounds Using hypo- and per- In the case where there is a series of four oxyanions, the hypo- and per- prefixes are used in conjunction with the -ite and -ate suffixes. The hypo- and per- prefixes indicate less oxygen and more oxygen, respectively. ClO- HypochloriteClO2- ChloriteClO3- ChlorateClO4- Perchlorate Example: The bleaching agent sodium hypochlorite is NaClO. It is also sometimes called the sodium salt of hypochlorous acid. Ionic Compounds Containing bi- and di- Hydrogen Polyatomic anions sometimes gain one or more H ions to form anions of a lower charge. These ions are named by adding the word hydrogen or dihydrogen in front of the name of the anion. It is still common to see and use the older naming convention in which the prefix bi- is used to indicate the addition of a single hydrogen ion. HCO3- Hydrogen carbonate or bicarbonateHSO4- Hydrogen sulfate or bisulfateH2PO4- Dihydrogen phosphate Example: The classic example is the chemical name for water, H2O, which is dihydrogen monoxide or dihydrogen oxide. Dihydrogen dioxide, H2O2, is more commonly called hydrogen dioxide or hydrogen peroxide.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Employers Liability for its Employees Sex Abuse Case Study

Employers Liability for its Employees Sex Abuse - Case Study Example The case involved an employer who operated a care facility for mentally disabled children. One of the employees in the facility sexually abused a child. The supreme could of Canada held that the employer was vicariously liable for the unauthorized, intentional and wrong act of the employee. The Supreme Court issued a two-part approach to test whether an employer should be held vicariously liable. The test is as follows: 1) The court shall openly assess whether the liability should be imposed against the employer, rather than obscuring the decision under semantic discussions of scope of the employment and mode of the conduct. 2) The court shall assess whether the wrong act is sufficiently connected to conduct authorized by the employer to warrant imposition of liability on the employer. Where there is sufficient connection between the offence and the authority granted to the employee, vicarious liability will be enforced on the employer to serve as adequate remedy for the plaintiff and as deterrence. In determining the sufficiency of connection, the court shall consider the following factors: In addition, in the case of sexual assault, John Doe v. Bennett in which a Parish priest (Bennet) of the Roman Catholic Diocese in Newfoundland, Canada abused several young boys who were under his care for thirty years while serving as a parish priest. (White, 2005). The Canada Supreme Court upheld the decision of a lower court and ruled that, the Roman Catholic Diocese was vicariously directly liable for the actions of Bennet. Therefore, from the legal provisions and cases aforementioned, it is evident that the defendant (principle) in Curry’s case scenario is vicariously liable for the misconduct of his/her employee, curry if the application of the second part of the Bazley test in Curry’s case is anything to go by because: Firstly, the employer afforded Curry the opportunity to abuse his power in that the job description of the